Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh my God I thought of something to blog about.

So, I haven't been blogging lately, but something exciting happened today that I can blog about!

For those of you who are fans of Corner Gas, you might recognize the name Fred Ewanuick. For those of you who don't recognize that name, he plays Hank Yarbo on Corner Gas.

So here comes the exciting part. He is filming a pilot for a new show called 'Dan for Mayor' in ... guess where!!!.... KW!!! Woooweee!

So, I was meeting a friend for coffee this afternoon, and thought it might be fun to stake out the restaurant where they were filming. It took a bit of sitting and sipping coffee while staring around at everyone like a crazy person - but guess who I saw. Go ahead - GUESS. You're right - Fred Ewanuick!!! I didn't get to talk to him... he whizzed by to go film so quickly - but I saw him.

Anyways - the super exciting part about this story is that if this show gets picked up, they will be filming it in KW. Cool, no? Maybe Fred and I will become great friends. Or maybe I will just become his stalker. Not sure yet.

I'll keep you posted ;)


Unknown said...

I want to be his friend too! Cool that you saw/stalked him :)

Eleanor Magpie said...

Dude, how exciting! They were filming a pilot in Huntsville earlier this year. No one I had heard of, but still pretty cool stuff. Haven't heard yet if they're coming back to do more.
You should keep an ear out in case they put out a call for extras....then maybe you could even be on the show!

Meghan Kraatz said...

Well Ryan,
If the show gets picked up maybe we can make it a fun little competition...which one of us can charm him first!!...wins....a....lick bath from Eric.

Well being an extra was in my plan that day, but I didn't quite have the balls to try and get on the show. Hence why I really want it to get picked up - maybe that's my true calling - being an extra on unknown Canadian tv shows :P